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By Goth Kitty Lady Posted in Personal, Writing on 5 October 2017 235 words
For Your Weekend Viewing Pleasure Previous Let's Be Sensible About This Next

The featured story (currently A World Full of Monsters) will now be posting one chapter every other week instead of one per week.

My personal schedule has gotten pretty unwieldy – writing, job-work, blog-work, housework, fall garden maintenance, all the Halloween stuff, craft and DIY projects, family stuff, and now the (admittedly minimal) prep for the new book I plan to write 50K words of during NaNoWriMo in November. I don’t want to change the featured story posting schedule, but honestly, I have a bunch of things I have to get done this month and 75% of them involve me NOT being in my office typing. Especially since one of the things I’ve been putting off working on is moving my office.

Is the story going to keep coming? Yes, of course it is. I’m only making the schedule change ‘official’ so everyone doesn’t have to keep wondering if I’m going to post new chapters on time or not.

Will I be posting other things? Obviously, since I also have a huge fanfiction series running concurrently with this one and The Happy Page still exists, not to mention the hastily-rearranged-due-to-current-events post schedule for GKG Halloween 2017.

Will I be on social media? Yes, I try to put in an appearance on Facebook and Twitter every day if possible. G+ only gets me when I’m checking a shared post. Instagram is lucky to see me once a month. 😉

just stuff writing

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