Just another mod emergency? Not this time.
Four scientists are about to meet up on the working vacation from hell. And after that, nothing will ever be the same—again.
Four scientists are about to meet up on the working vacation from hell. And after that, nothing will ever be the same—again.
When we last left our intrepid group of science bros and their adorable bunnygirl roommate, things around the lab had changed. Danny is still trying to deal with being furry, Dave lost a girlfriend but gained a dog, Joey has gotten engaged thanks to the miracle of science, Hana is planning the bunny-wedding of the century, and Pete is putting some thought into his mother’s demand for grandchildren. But even with everything going on at home, GenoMod is still mod science’s version of Geek Squad, jetting all over the planet trying to put out mod fires that other people have started. So far it’s been nothing they can’t handle, but an emergency call-out to a resort in Cancún is about to take Danny, Joey, and their friends from sister-lab Primera Genética out of their comfort zone and put them on the front lines of Ancient Fire’s most world-threatening project to date.
Out of the Water is available wherever ebooks are sold.
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